Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The last time i had to persuade some one to do something for me was when i was a little kid and i wanted to go to a sharks game with my cousin. My mom wouldn't let me go with him to the game because she thought he would get into to much trouble. So i had to persuade her to let me go by saying if you were to look ay my grades then you would see that i have earned it, Plus i haven't gotten in trouble all year. So after half an hour of arguing with her i had finally persuaded her to let me go.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The change I would want to happen at my school is that people could wear any type of sports wear to school. To get this accomplished I would contact or go up to the principal to talk to her about it. Because even though the rule is that you can't wear sports wear to school some people wear that stuff anyway. The only sports gear your able to wear is sports gear for a team at school that you play for.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anecdote #1

The first time i actually met Ron was in 6th grade when me and some other people were playing football in the back field of the school at lunch. When I was on the opposite team as him and I wasn't getting the ball at all like they wouldn't pass me the ball no matter how open I was. So I said next play if I don't get the ball then i'm going to the other team and all my team said was"okay." So the next play came and sure enough they didn't pass me the ball so I said "I'm gone." So i went to the other team and Ron was the QB so I said to him that i'm on your team from now on and all he said was "Cool." So when I was on his team he always passed me the ball every other play and after that day me and him were always hanging out together like we've known eachother for years no matter what we did.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anecdote #2

This one time Ron and I went at lunch to play just shoot some hoops so we could practice our shoots before the season. We made a promise to one another that we wouldn't go in there to play a game cause we didn't want to get all sweaty and tired after lunch so we walked in got a ball and started to shoot. Then these to guys came up to us saying "We heard that you two were the hardest team to play against," so we said "Maybe we are" so they said "Lets play then a game to 21 win by two" we said ''Not today come back tomorrow and we'll see.'' It's like the guys wouldn't take no for an answer so they kept asking and asking and we kept saying ''NO.'' So they turned around and yelled in the gym ''Look here guys and girls we have a couple of chickens in the gym right now.'' So we turned to them and said ''Game to 21 win by 2 you take out,'' so they took the ball out and game started. By the end of lunch we had beat those two by 18 and at the end we said ''Good Game Guys'' cause even though they were dogging on us we still wanted to be good sports.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Anecdote #3

The first time in knew that my friend Ron was a cool, trustworthy friend that always had my back was when in middle school I had almost gotten in a fight. Ron said he would be there in case anything had gone south he would jump in and help me out.So later that day Ron and I went to the place where I was supposed to fight, which was in the alley way next to taco bell. So while we were walking to the place Ron kept asking me "are you sure you want to do this" and I kept saying ''yes.'' Whenever I said yes he would reply saying "you don't have to do this I won't think your a coward if you don't." So we got there and the guy said he didn't want to fight so I said okay and Ron and I just walked away like nothing happened.